Cancer is a class of the diseases in which

Cancer (medical limit: the malignant neoplasm) is a class of the diseases in which a group of cells show the not controlled growth (division beyond the normal limits), the invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent fabrics), and sometimes metastasis (diffusion at other places in the body via the lymph or of blood). These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from the benign tumours, which are coil-limited, do not invade or do not m�tastasent. The majority of cancers form a tumour but some, like leukaemia, do not make. The branch of the medicine concerned with the study, the diagnosis, treatment, and the cancer prevention is oncology.

Cancer can assign the people to all the ages, even foetus, but the risk for the majority of the increases in varieties with the age. [1] Causes of Cancer approximately 13% of all the deaths. [2] According to the American Association of cancer, 7.6 million people died of cancer in the world during 2007. [3] Cancers can affect all the animals.

Almost all cancers are caused by anomalies in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These anomalies can be due to the effects of carcinogenic, such as the tobacco smoke, the radiation, the chemicals, or the agents infectious. Other genetic anomalies of cancer-promotion can be by chance acquired by errors in the counterpart of DNA, or are inherited, and thus present in all the cells of birth. The heritability of cancers are usually affected by complex interactions between the carcinogenic ones and the host centre the 'genome of S. Of new aspects of the genetics of the pathogenesis of cancer, such as the methylation of DNA, and microRNAs are identified more and more like important.

The genetic anomalies found in cancer typically affect two general classes of genes. Cancer-supporting oncogenes are typically activated in cancer cells, giving to these cells new properties, such as the growth and hyperactive division, protection against the programmed death of cells, the loss of respect for normal fabric borders, and the capacity to become established in the various fabric environments. Genes suppressors of tumour are then inactivated in cancer cells, having for result the loss of normal functions in these cells, such as the counterpart specifies DNA, the control of the cycle of cells, the orientation and adherence in fabrics, and the interaction with the protective cells of the immune system.

The diagnosis requires usually the histological examination of a specimen of fabric biopsy by a pathologist, although the initial indication of the malignity can be symptoms or radiographic anomalies of formation image. The majority of cancers can be treated and certain treaties, according to the type, the place, and the stage specific. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. While research develops, the treatments become more specific for various varieties of cancer. There was significant progress in the development of drugs concerned of therapy which act specifically on discernible molecular anomalies in certain tumours, and which to the minimum reduce damage to the normal cells. The forecast of the patients of cancer is influenced more by the type of cancer, as well as the stage, or the extent of the disease. Moreover, the histological evaluation and the presence of the specific molecular markers can also be useful by establishing the forecast, as well as in determining various treatments.


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