Savor Young Corn

Herbal: savor Young Corn
By bambangwahono Info on health care, nutritious plants, natural treatment. Leave a Comment
Corn is one of the popular food crop in indonesia. In addition to tasty boiled, burned, or made brondong maize, corn is still young in fact have a remarkable property. In addition to the fruit / meat of young corn, corn hair has also savor for health.
Several types of disease that is cured by dapt young corn is: injal stones, gall stones, high blood pressure.
Air stew corn cob and hair can melarutkan young kidney stones. In addition, it is also useful seduhan treat gallstone disease, and high blood pressure.
Kidney stones
Ingredients: 4 Corn young cob, Corn Dogs 1 handheld, porcelain scoundrelly fresh leaf blade 8
Ways of making: All material boiled in 110 ml of water. Stew drink water once a day, for 14 days. Once out of stone, such as gravel, grain and yeast, treatment should be stopped immediately, and then forwarded to the drinking Jamu mustache and Cats Meniran. How, taken each 30 gr meniran leaves and leaf mustache cat, diseduh such as tea.
Ingredients: Corn cob 5 young, fresh herb stash Cats 5 grams
Ways of making: All material boiled with 110 ml of water. Stew drink water once a day, for 14 days.
High Blood Pressure
Ingredients: Corn cob Young 5-7, 1 handheld Corn Dogs
Ways of making: All material boiled with 110 ml of water. Stew drink water once a day, for 7 days.
You should note, do not use too much hair corn as drugs, because it can lower blood tekanand drastically in a short time.


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